Monday, February 19, 2018

Inked By Evans From the Classroom

Inked By Evans
Custom Drum Heads
by Greg Rosander

Are you tired of the same old boring black or white bass drum heads? Are you sick of your band looking like everyone else? Do you wish there was a way you could make your band stand out in a crowd? Well now you can!

With Inked By Evans custom drum heads you can now create your own bass drum head designs for your marching bass drums or your jazz drum set. You can use any of the dozens of pre-loaded designs from Evans, or create your own look using your school logo, mascot, or any other photo or image you like. The possibilities are endless. Here's how it works:

InkedByEvansPhoto1PNGFirst, go to the Inked By Evans website at

InkedByEvansPhoto2PNGSelect the type of head you want: Custom Bass Heads, Custom Marching Bass Heads, or Custom Souvenir Heads.

InkedByEvansPhoto3PNGIf you click on the See full price chart here link, you will see the price you will pay for each custom head. You can choose between Evans two most popular styles of marching bass drum heads, the MX1 or MS1.

InkedByEvansPhoto4PNGNow you can start designing your heads. If you would like a custom design, choose the Blank Template option, upload your image, and design away. Or, choose any of the preloaded designs from Evans like Fabrics, Graphics, Nature, Photos, Textures, or Crests. You can add any text you like on top of the image. Multiple font styles, sizes, and colors are available. There is also an option to add your drum brand logo to your design.

InkedByEvansPhoto5PNGOnce you have completed your design, click the I'm Finished Designing button and it will take you to a legal use page. Enter whether you own the image or are using it by permission, and agree to the terms. Now you can select the style, sizes, and quantities of the heads you want.

Once you have selected the quantities and styles of heads, click the Next button and you will be directed to review your design. If you are happy with your design, enter your email address and click Order Now. You will receive an email from Evans with your order number. Bring the email into your local PMC store or email the order number to your PMC Educational Representative and we will place the order for you. Once we receive the order from Evans we will deliver it to you. It's that simple. You will now have the best-looking band on the field.

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From the Bandroom - Centralia, MO
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