Monday, February 11, 2019

Promoting Music Advocacy in Your Classroom
by Jeff Melsha

CollaborateWe teach and learn at a time when music advocacy needs to be a constant focus for our students and programs every day. Educators are finding themselves in a position where engagement with colleagues, legislators, and involvement with local school district is no longer an option, but a necessity.

Advocacy efforts often seem to come as a reaction to problem or a decision that effects our program in an adverse way. A phone call to policy makers at the state capitol or an appearance at a school board meeting to challenge a local decision are reactive forms of music advocacy. I would encourage a proactive approach to your advocacy efforts.

A valuable advocacy tool for any music educator is a rigorous and healthy classroom at the local level. A quality music program becomes much easier to defend and support when it includes engaged students and a flourishing curriculum. Promotional advocacy in your classroom is a vital component to the advocacy picture.

What follows is a list of ideas that may help connect students and parents to your curriculum and classroom activities:

There are many curricular activities that will help convince your students that music plays an important part in their life. Promotional advocacy in your classroom can be just as important as proactive advocacy with our legislators and educators.

Jeff Melsha PhotoJeff Melsha retired from teaching in 2018 and now serves eastern Missouri and western Illinois as an Educational Representative for Palen Music Center. Jeff is the Past President for the Missouri Music Educators Association and continues to advocate for music education at the state and federal level for equitable offerings of music in underserved schools in rural and urban areas. Jeff is married to Martha. They have a son, Jacob, who studies jazz trombone at Juilliard, and a daughter, Olivia who plans to study linguistics and music at Universitat Hamburg next Fall.

Contact Your Local Palen Music Center Representative
Can we assist you with anything? Please contact your local Palen Music Center school road representative for all of your music education needs.
(417) 882-7000 (573) 256-5555 (816) 792-8301
(417) 781-3100 (405) 896-8111 (479) 464-8877
(918) 286-1555 (636) 229-1904 (417) 882-7000

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